Florida Flag
Objective: Following step-by-step instructions, students will recreate the Florida Flag.
Materials: paper, cardboard/string, pencils, scissors, construction paper, markers/colored pencils/crayons
Procedure: First, we will deconstruct/examine the great seal of Florida. We’ll examine what it shows and why each element is significant. Next, we will recreate it with step by step instructions. The first thing we will make is a cardboard compass for drawing circles. From there, we will illustrate the Florida flag.
Assessment: A=follows ALL instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanshipB=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good craftsmanship D=does little work/ poor effort F=does NO work
VA.4.C.1.2Describe observations and apply prior knowledge to interpret visual information and reflect on works of art.
VA.4.C.3.2Compare purposes for the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design in artworks and utilitarian objects.
VA.4.F.2.1Discuss how artists and designers have made an impact on the community.
VA.4.F.2.2Identify the work of local artists to become familiar with art-making careers.
VA.4.F.3.1Create art to promote awareness of school and/or community concerns.
VA.4.H.1.1Identify historical and cultural influences that have inspired artists to produce works of art.
VA.4.H.2.2Identify differences between artworks and utilitarian objects.
VA.4.H.2.3Identify reasons to display artwork in public places.
VA.4.O.1.1Use the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to understand the art-making process.
VA.4.O.1.2Identify the structural elements of art used to unite an artistic composition.
VA.4.O.3.1Apply meaning and relevance to document self or others visually in artwork.
VA.4.S.1.3Create artworks that integrate ideas from culture or history.
VA.4.S.2.1Organize the structural elements of art to achieve an artistic objective.
VA.4.S.3.2Plan and produce art through ongoing practice of skills and techniques.
VA.4.S.3.3Follow procedures for using tools, media, techniques, and processes safely and responsibly.
VA.5.C.3.1Use the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design when engaged in art criticism.
VA.5.C.3.2Use art-criticism processes to form a hypothesis about an artist’s or designer’s intent when creating artworks and/or utilitarian objects.
VA.5.F.2.1Describe the knowledge and skills necessary for art-making and art-related careers.
VA.5.F.2.2Explore careers in which artworks and utilitarian designs are created.
VA.5.F.2.3Discuss contributions that artists make to society.
VA.5.F.3.1Create artwork to promote public awareness of community and/or global concerns.
VA.5.H.1.1Examine historical and cultural influences that inspire artists and their work.
VA.5.H.2.2Describe the ways in which artworks and utilitarian objects impact everyday life.
VA.5.H.2.3Discuss artworks found in public venues to identify the significance of the work within the community.
VA.5.O.1.1Use structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to develop content in artwork.
VA.5.O.1.2Organize the structural elements of art to achieve visual unity.
VA.5.O.1.3Explain how creative and technical ability is used to produce a work of art.
VA.5.S.3.4Use ethical standards, including copyright laws, when producing works of art.