Monday, March 7, 2016

4th and 5th Grade Assignment #5

Color X-rays/Technology Portraits
Objective: If students have finished tracing their technology portraits with the markers from last week, students will start coloring their picture this week.
Materials: picture, markers, crayons.
Procedure: If students have finished tracing their technology portraits with the markers from last week, students will start coloring their picture this week. It is important that the students take their time and not scribble. It is just as important that students not use the same color for adjacent shapes on their pictures so that their artwork is optimally colorful.
Assessment: A=follows ALL instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good craftsmanship D=does little work/ poor effort F=does NO work
VA.4.C.1.1Integrate ideas during the art-making process to convey meaning in personal works of art.
VA.4.C.3.2Compare purposes for the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design in artworks and utilitarian objects.
VA.4.C.3.3Use the art-making process, analysis, and discussion to identify the connections between art and other disciplines.
VA.4.F.1.1Combine art media with innovative ideas and techniques to create two- and/or three-dimensional works of art.
VA.4.F.2.1Discuss how artists and designers have made an impact on the community.
VA.4.F.3.3Work purposefully to complete personal works of art in a timely manner, demonstrating development of 21st-century skills.
VA.4.O.3.1Apply meaning and relevance to document self or others visually in artwork.
VA.4.S.1.1Manipulate tools and materials to achieve diverse effects in personal works of art.
VA.4.S.1.2Explore and use media, technology, and other art resources to express ideas visually.
VA.4.S.1.3Create artworks that integrate ideas from culture or history.
VA.4.S.3.2Plan and produce art through ongoing practice of skills and techniques.
VA.4.S.3.3Follow procedures for using tools, media, techniques, and processes safely and responsibly.
VA.5.C.1.1Develop a range of interests in the art-making process to influence personal decision-making.
VA.5.C.1.2Use prior knowledge and observation skills to reflect on, analyze, and interpret exemplary works of art.
VA.5.C.2.1Revise artwork as a necessary part of the creative process to achieve an artistic goal.
VA.5.F.1.1Examine and experiment with traditional or non-traditional uses of media to apply imaginative techniques in two- and/or three-dime...
VA.5.F.3.2Create artwork that shows procedural and analytical thinking to communicate ideas.
VA.5.F.3.4Follow directions and complete artwork in the timeframe allotted to show development of 21st-century skills.
VA.5.H.1.1Examine historical and cultural influences that inspire artists and their work.
VA.5.O.1.1Use structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to develop content in artwork.
VA.5.O.1.2Organize the structural elements of art to achieve visual unity.
VA.5.O.1.3Explain how creative and technical ability is used to produce a work of art.
VA.5.S.1.2Use media, technology, and other resources to inspire personal art-making decisions.
VA.5.S.1.3Create artworks to depict personal, cultural, and/or historical themes.
VA.5.S.2.1Organize the structural elements of art to support planning, strengthen focus, and implement artistic vision.
VA.5.S.3.1Use materials, tools, techniques, and processes to achieve expected results in two- and/or three-dimensional artworks.
VA.5.S.3.2Use craftsmanship and technical ability in personal works to show refinement of skills over time.

VA.5.S.3.3Use tools, media, techniques, and processes in a safe and responsible manner.

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