Monday, October 8, 2018

Eighteenth Assignment for 2nd and 3rd Grade

Color Musical Instruments
Objective: students will draw and color multiple “sound waves” on their pictures.
Materials: musical instrument pictures, pencils, crayons
Procedure: students will draw and color multiple/concentric “sound waves” on their pictures.
Assessment: students are NOT to break off and add any pieces of clay in the construction of their sculpture. A= follows all instruction in a neat and orderly fashion. B= follow instructions in a sloppy manner. C= do not follow instructions but DO have a sculpture. F= for students that are not allowed to sculpt with clay.
Standards: VA.2.C.2.1Use appropriate decision-making skills to meet intended artistic objectives.
VA.2.C.2.3Use suggestions from others to modify the structural elements of art.
VA.2.C.3.1Use accurate art vocabulary to identify connections among visual art and other contexts.
VA.2.C.3.2Compare artworks with utilitarian objects and use accurate art vocabulary to describe how they are the same and how they are different.
VA.2.F.2.1Identify work created by artists and designers.
VA.2.F.3.3Use time effectively while focused on art production to show early development of 21st-century skills.
VA.2.H.2.2Identify objects from everyday life that have been designed and created using artistic skills.
VA.2.H.3.1Describe connections made between creating with art ideas and creating with information from other content areas.
VA.2.O.1.1Employ structural elements of art and organizational principles of design in personal work to develop awareness of the creative process.
VA.2.S.1.4Use accurate art vocabulary to discuss art.
VA.2.S.2.1Develop artistic skills through repeated experiences with art media, techniques, processes, and tools.
VA.2.S.2.2Follow sequential procedures focused on art production.
VA.2.S.3.1Manipulate art materials and refine techniques to create two- and/or three-dimensional personal works.
VA.2.S.3.2Demonstrate growth in craftsmanship through purposeful practice.
VA.2.S.3.3Follow directions for safety procedures and explain their importance in the art room.
VA.3.C.2.1Assess personal artworks for completeness and success in meeting intended objectives.
VA.3.C.3.3Explain the similarities and differences between artworks and utilitarian objects.
VA.3.F.1.1Manipulate art media and incorporate a variety of subject matter to create imaginative artwork.
VA.3.F.2.1Identify places where artists or designers have made an impact on the community.
VA.3.F.3.3Demonstrate the skills needed to complete artwork in a timely manner, demonstrating perseverance and development of 21st-century skills.
VA.3.H.2.2Examine artworks and utilitarian objects, and describe their significance in the school and/or community.
VA.3.H.3.1Discuss how knowledge gained in the visual art classroom can serve as prior knowledge in other classrooms.
VA.3.S.1.4Choose accurate art vocabulary to describe works of art and art processes.
VA.3.S.2.1Integrate the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design with sequential procedures and techniques to achieve and artistic goal.
VA.3.S.2.2Follow procedures, focusing on the art-making process.
VA.3.S.3.1Use materials, tools, and processes to achieve an intended result in two- and/or three-dimensional artworks.
VA.3.S.3.2Develop craftsmanship skills through repeated practice.
VA.3.S.3.3Work within safety guidelines while using tools, media, techniques, and processes.

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