Landscape (part 1)
Objective: Students will learn about and
create landscapes based on the different environments ion Africa.
Materials: construction paper, scissors,
glue, colored pencils
Procedure: After reading “Elvis the
Camel” and briefly discussing the habitats and environments of Africa students
will create landscapes using various media. During the Kapiti Plain unit,
students will first draw their African savannah with animals below the horizon
line. Trees and sun/clouds will be above the horizon line. On the second week,
students will paint all the grass below the horizon line and the sky above the
horizon line. During the Sahara Unit, students will draw palm trees crossing
the horizon line, sand below, and pyramids and sun/clouds above. On the second
week, students will paint all the sand below the horizon line and the sky above
the horizon line. During week three of the assignment, students will print
three camels using camel stamps. Continuing a print project, students will
cover a single sheet of construction paper with leaf stamps to simulate a
jungle. Students will finish their jungle landscapes by drawing a jungle animal
that they will cut and paste on their jungle picture.
Assessment: A=follows ALL
instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good
craftsmanship D=does little work/
poor effort F=does NO work
Standards: VA.K.C.1.1Create and share personal
works of art with others.
VA.K.C.2.1Describe personal choices
made in the creation of artwork.
VA.K.H.1.1Describe art from selected
cultures and places.
VA.K.H.1.2Follow directions for
suitable behavior in an art audience.
VA.K.H.2.1Compare selected artworks
from various cultures to find differences and similarities.
VA.K.H.2.3Describe where artwork is
displayed in school or other places.
VA.K.O.1.1Explore the placement of the
structural elements of art in personal works of art.
VA.K.O.2.1Generate ideas and images for
artworks based on memory, imagination, and experiences.
VA.K.S.1.1Explore art processes and
media to produce artworks.
VA.K.S.2.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media. e.g., media-specific
techniques, eye-hand coordination.
VA.K.S.2.2Describe the steps used in
art production.
VA.K.S.3.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.
VA.K.S.3.2Practice skills to develop
VA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media
safely in the art room.
VA.1.C.1.1Create and discuss
works of art that convey personal interests.
VA.1.C.1.2Gather clues to
help interpret and reflect on works of art.
VA.1.C.2.1Describe visual
imagery used to complete artwork.
VA.1.C.2.2Use various media
or techniques to learn how changes affect the completed artwork.
VA.1.F.1.1Use various art
media and real or imaginary choices to create artwork.
VA.1.F.1.2Identify how
classmates solve artistic problems.
VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions
for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show early
development of 21st-century skills.
VA.1.H.1.1Discuss how
different works of art communicate information about a particular culture.
VA.1.H.2.1Compare artworks
from different cultures, created over time, to identify differences in style
and media.
VA.1.H.2.3Identify places in
which artworks may be viewed by others.
VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use
the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to
support artistic development.
VA.1.O.2.1Create imagery and
symbols to express thoughts and feelings.
VA.1.O.3.1Use personal
symbols in artwork to document surroundings and community.
VA.1.S.1.1Experiment with art
processes and media to express ideas.
VA.1.S.1.2Use varied
processes to develop artistic skills when expressing personal thoughts,
feelings, and experiences.
VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct
use of tools with various art media, techniques, and processes.
VA.1.S.2.2Describe the steps
used in art production.
VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and
techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional media.
VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the
qualities of good craftsmanship.
VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety
procedures for using art tools and materials.
VA.1.S.3.4Identify and be
respectful of artwork that belongs to others and represents their ideas.
17) Jungle
Landscape (part 2)
Objective: Students will learn about and
create landscapes based on the different environments ion Africa.
Materials: construction paper, scissors,
glue, colored pencils
Procedure: After reading “Ten Little
Monkies” and briefly discussing the habitats and environments of Africa students
will create landscapes using various media. During the Kapiti Plain unit,
students will first draw their African savannah with animals below the horizon
line. Trees and sun/clouds will be above the horizon line. On the second week,
students will paint all the grass below the horizon line and the sky above the
horizon line. During the Sahara Unit, students will draw palm trees crossing
the horizon line, sand below, and pyramids and sun/clouds above. On the second
week, students will paint all the sand below the horizon line and the sky above
the horizon line. During week three of the assignment, students will print
three camels using camel stamps. Continuing a print project, students will
cover a single sheet of construction paper with leaf stamps to simulate a
jungle. Students will finish their jungle landscapes by drawing a jungle animal
that they will cut and paste on their jungle picture.
Assessment: A=follows ALL
instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good
craftsmanship D=does little work/
poor effort F=does NO work
VA.K.C.1.1Create and share personal
works of art with others.
VA.K.C.2.1Describe personal choices
made in the creation of artwork.
VA.K.H.1.1Describe art from selected
cultures and places.
VA.K.H.1.2Follow directions for
suitable behavior in an art audience.
VA.K.H.2.1Compare selected artworks
from various cultures to find differences and similarities.
VA.K.H.2.3Describe where artwork is
displayed in school or other places.
VA.K.O.1.1Explore the placement of the
structural elements of art in personal works of art.
VA.K.O.2.1Generate ideas and images for
artworks based on memory, imagination, and experiences.
VA.K.S.1.1Explore art processes and
media to produce artworks.
VA.K.S.2.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media. e.g., media-specific
techniques, eye-hand coordination.
VA.K.S.2.2Describe the steps used in
art production.
VA.K.S.3.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.
VA.K.S.3.2Practice skills to develop
VA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media
safely in the art room.
VA.1.C.1.1Create and discuss
works of art that convey personal interests.
VA.1.C.1.2Gather clues to
help interpret and reflect on works of art.
VA.1.C.2.1Describe visual
imagery used to complete artwork.
VA.1.C.2.2Use various media
or techniques to learn how changes affect the completed artwork.
VA.1.F.1.1Use various art
media and real or imaginary choices to create artwork.
VA.1.F.1.2Identify how
classmates solve artistic problems.
VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions
for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show early
development of 21st-century skills.
VA.1.H.1.1Discuss how
different works of art communicate information about a particular culture.
VA.1.H.2.1Compare artworks
from different cultures, created over time, to identify differences in style
and media.
VA.1.H.2.3Identify places in
which artworks may be viewed by others.
VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use
the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to
support artistic development.
VA.1.O.2.1Create imagery and
symbols to express thoughts and feelings.
VA.1.O.3.1Use personal
symbols in artwork to document surroundings and community.
VA.1.S.1.1Experiment with art
processes and media to express ideas.
VA.1.S.1.2Use varied
processes to develop artistic skills when expressing personal thoughts,
feelings, and experiences.
VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct
use of tools with various art media, techniques, and processes.
VA.1.S.2.2Describe the steps
used in art production.
VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and
techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional media.
VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the
qualities of good craftsmanship.
VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety
procedures for using art tools and materials.
VA.1.S.3.4Identify and be
respectful of artwork that belongs to others and represents their ideas.
18) Work in
the Style of Mary Cassalt (part 1)
Objective: After
learning about Mary Cassatt and her pastel drawings, the children use colored
chalk to depict a close relationship between two people. * The students will
learn about Mary Cassatt and her pastel drawings and work in a style similar of
Mary Cassatt using colored chalk. They will learn ways to depict relationships
in art
Materials: pencils,
colored chalk, paper (brown or gray so the light colors of chalk will show.) prints
of Mary Cassatt’s work, spray fixative
Procedure: After
reading “Mary Cassatt” by Mike Venezia and looking at Mary Cassatt art prints,
explain to the students that their drawings should depict a relationship, or
special feeling, between an adult and a child or between two friends. Discuss
some ways to show affection, such as holding hands, placing an arm around a
shoulder, eye contact, or sharing an activity. Have some of the children
demonstrate how arms appear when wrapped around a friend's shoulders or holding
a baby. Give the children pencils and paper and have them lightly sketch the
basic outline of two figures sharing a relationship. Explain that the pencil
lines will be covered with chalk so details, such as facial features, will be
added later.
Assessment: Determined by how the
students “stamped” the logo. A=follows ALL instructions (or does
more) with great craftsmanship B=follows
MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows
SOME instructions with good craftsmanship D=does
little work/ poor effort F=does NO
Standards: VA.K.C.1.1Create and share personal
works of art with others.
VA.K.C.2.1Describe personal choices
made in the creation of artwork.
VA.K.F.1.1Experiment with art media for
personal satisfaction and perceptual awareness.
VA.K.F.1.2Identify real and imaginary
subject matter in works of art.
VA.K.H.1.2Follow directions for
suitable behavior in an art audience.
VA.K.H.1.3Explain how art-making can
help people express ideas and feelings.
VA.K.O.1.1Explore the placement of the
structural elements of art in personal works of art.
VA.K.O.2.1Generate ideas and images for
artworks based on memory, imagination, and experiences.
VA.K.O.3.1Create works of art to
document experiences of self and community.
VA.K.S.1.1Explore art processes and
media to produce artworks.
VA.K.S.1.2Produce artwork influenced by
personal decisions and ideas.
VA.K.S.2.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media. e.g., media-specific
techniques, eye-hand coordination.
VA.K.S.2.2Describe the steps used in
art production.
VA.K.S.3.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.
VA.K.S.3.2Practice skills to develop
VA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media
safely in the art room.
VA.1.C.1.1Create and discuss
works of art that convey personal interests.
VA.1.C.2.2Use various media
or techniques to learn how changes affect the completed artwork.
VA.1.F.1.1Use various art
media and real or imaginary choices to create artwork.
VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions
for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show early
development of 21st-century skills.
VA.1.H.1.3Describe ways in
which artists use their work to share knowledge and life experiences.
VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use
the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to
support artistic development.
VA.1.O.3.1Use personal
symbols in artwork to document surroundings and community.
VA.1.S.1.1Experiment with art
processes and media to express ideas.
VA.1.S.1.2Use varied
processes to develop artistic skills when expressing personal thoughts,
feelings, and experiences.
VA.1.S.1.3Create works of art
to tell a personal story.
VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct
use of tools with various art media, techniques, and processes.
VA.1.S.2.2Describe the steps
used in art production.
VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and
techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional media.
VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the
qualities of good craftsmanship.
VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety
procedures for using art tools and materials.
VA.1.S.3.4Identify and be
respectful of artwork that belongs to others and represents their ideas.
19) Work in
the Style of Mary Cassalt (part 2)
Objective: After
learning about Mary Cassatt and her pastel drawings, the children use colored
chalk to depict a close relationship between two people. * The students will
learn about Mary Cassatt and her pastel drawings and work in a style similar of
Mary Cassatt using colored chalk. They will learn ways to depict relationships
in art
Materials: pencils,
colored chalk, paper (brown or gray so the light colors of chalk will show.)
prints of Mary Cassatt’s work, spray fixative
Procedure: After
reading “Are You My Mother” by P.D. Eastman, pass out drawing from last week. Explain
that the pencil lines will be covered with chalk so details, such as facial
features, will be added later. Have the children apply the colored chalk to
their drawings, reminding them to rest their hands on scrap paper while working
over already applied chalk and to gently blow away the chalk dust.
Assessment: A=follows ALL
instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good
craftsmanship D=does little work/
poor effort F=does NO work
Standards: VA.K.C.1.1Create and share personal
works of art with others.
VA.K.C.2.1Describe personal choices
made in the creation of artwork.
VA.K.F.1.1Experiment with art media for
personal satisfaction and perceptual awareness.
VA.K.F.1.2Identify real and imaginary
subject matter in works of art.
VA.K.H.1.2Follow directions for
suitable behavior in an art audience.
VA.K.H.1.3Explain how art-making can
help people express ideas and feelings.
VA.K.O.1.1Explore the placement of the
structural elements of art in personal works of art.
VA.K.O.2.1Generate ideas and images for
artworks based on memory, imagination, and experiences.
VA.K.O.3.1Create works of art to
document experiences of self and community.
VA.K.S.1.1Explore art processes and
media to produce artworks.
VA.K.S.1.2Produce artwork influenced by
personal decisions and ideas.
VA.K.S.2.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media. e.g., media-specific
techniques, eye-hand coordination.
VA.K.S.2.2Describe the steps used in
art production.
VA.K.S.3.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.
VA.K.S.3.2Practice skills to develop
VA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media
safely in the art room.
VA.1.C.1.1Create and discuss
works of art that convey personal interests.
VA.1.C.2.2Use various media
or techniques to learn how changes affect the completed artwork.
VA.1.F.1.1Use various art
media and real or imaginary choices to create artwork.
VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions
for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show early
development of 21st-century skills.
VA.1.H.1.3Describe ways in
which artists use their work to share knowledge and life experiences.
VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use
the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to
support artistic development.
VA.1.O.3.1Use personal
symbols in artwork to document surroundings and community.
VA.1.S.1.1Experiment with art
processes and media to express ideas.
VA.1.S.1.2Use varied
processes to develop artistic skills when expressing personal thoughts,
feelings, and experiences.
VA.1.S.1.3Create works of art
to tell a personal story.
VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct
use of tools with various art media, techniques, and processes.
VA.1.S.2.2Describe the steps
used in art production.
VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and
techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional media.
VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the
qualities of good craftsmanship.
VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety
procedures for using art tools and materials.
VA.1.S.3.4Identify and be
respectful of artwork that belongs to others and represents their ideas.
20) Flower
Still Life
Objective: Students will draw a picture
of a spring time garden.
Materials: Book: ”Katie Meets the Impressionists,”
paper, crayons, Monet prints
Procedure: After reading ”Katie Meets
the Impressionists “ I will show the students how to do the day’s assignment.
Students will copy four different types of flowers that I draw. Students will
then draw four more of their own. Students will color and take these home at
the end of class.
Assessment: A=follows ALL
instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good
craftsmanship D=does little work/
poor effort F=does NO work
VA.K.H.1.2Follow directions for
suitable behavior in an art audience.
VA.K.H.1.3Explain how art-making can
help people express ideas and feelings.
VA.K.H.2.1Compare selected artworks
from various cultures to find differences and similarities.
VA.K.O.1.1Explore the placement of the
structural elements of art in personal works of art.
VA.K.O.2.1Generate ideas and images for
artworks based on memory, imagination, and experiences.
VA.K.S.1.1Explore art processes and
media to produce artworks.
VA.K.S.2.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media. e.g., media-specific
techniques, eye-hand coordination.
VA.K.S.2.2Describe the steps used in
art production.
VA.K.S.3.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.
VA.K.S.3.2Practice skills to develop
VA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media
safely in the art room.
VA.K.S.3.4Identify artwork that belongs
to others and represents their ideas.
VA.1.C.2.1Describe visual
imagery used to complete artwork.
VA.1.C.3.2Distinguish between
artwork, utilitarian objects, and objects from nature.
VA.1.F.1.2Identify how
classmates solve artistic problems.
VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions
for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show early
development of 21st-century skills.
VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use
the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to
support artistic development.
VA.1.O.2.1Create imagery and
symbols to express thoughts and feelings.
VA.1.O.3.1Use personal
symbols in artwork to document surroundings and community.
VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct
use of tools with various art media, techniques, and processes.
VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and
techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional media.
VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the
qualities of good craftsmanship.
VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety
procedures for using art tools and materials.
21) Leprechaun
Objective: Students will draw make a
picture of a four leaf clover using construction paper and crayons.
Materials: paper, pencils, crayons,
scissors, glue, heart tracers
Procedure: After reading “The Luckiest
St. Patrick’s Day Ever” I will show the students how to do the day’s assignment.
Students will trace and cut four heart shapes on green construction paper. They
will cut and glue to form a four-leaf clover. They can decorate by adding
leprechauns, rainbows, pots of gold, etc.
Assessment: A=follows ALL
instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good
craftsmanship D=does little work/
poor effort F=does NO work
VA.K.F.1.1Experiment with art media for
personal satisfaction and perceptual awareness.
VA.K.F.1.2Identify real and imaginary
subject matter in works of art.
VA.K.H.1.2Follow directions for
suitable behavior in an art audience.
VA.K.H.2.1Compare selected artworks
from various cultures to find differences and similarities.
VA.K.O.1.1Explore the placement of the
structural elements of art in personal works of art.
VA.K.O.2.1Generate ideas and images for
artworks based on memory, imagination, and experiences.
VA.K.S.1.1Explore art processes and
media to produce artworks.
VA.K.S.1.2Produce artwork influenced by
personal decisions and ideas.
VA.K.S.2.2Describe the steps used in
art production.
VA.K.S.3.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.
VA.K.S.3.2Practice skills to develop
VA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media
safely in the art room.
VA.K.S.3.4Identify artwork that belongs
to others and represents their ideas.
VA.1.H.1.1Discuss how
different works of art communicate information about a particular culture.
VA.1.H.2.1Compare artworks
from different cultures, created over time, to identify differences in style
and media.
VA.1.S.1.1Experiment with art
processes and media to express ideas.
VA.1.C.2.1Describe visual
imagery used to complete artwork.
VA.1.C.3.2Distinguish between
artwork, utilitarian objects, and objects from nature.
VA.1.F.1.2Identify how classmates
solve artistic problems.
VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions
for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show early
development of 21st-century skills.
VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use
the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to
support artistic development.
VA.1.O.2.1Create imagery and
symbols to express thoughts and feelings.
VA.1.O.3.1Use personal
symbols in artwork to document surroundings and community.
VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct
use of tools with various art media, techniques, and processes.
VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and
techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional media.
VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the
qualities of good craftsmanship.
VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety
procedures for using art tools and materials.
22) Hokusai’s
Great Wave
Objective: Students will recreate
Hokusai’s Great Wave
Materials: pictures, scissors, glue,
Procedure: Students will recreate
Hokusai’s Great Wave step–by-step with the teacher.
Assessment: A=follows ALL
instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good
craftsmanship D=does little work/
poor effort F=does NO work
Standards: VA.K.C.2.2Identify media used by self
or peers.
VA.K.F.1.1Experiment with art media for
personal satisfaction and perceptual awareness.
VA.K.F.1.2Identify real and imaginary
subject matter in works of art.
VA.K.H.1.2Follow directions for
suitable behavior in an art audience.
VA.K.H.2.1Compare selected artworks
from various cultures to find differences and similarities.
VA.K.O.1.1Explore the placement of the
structural elements of art in personal works of art.
VA.K.O.2.1Generate ideas and images for
artworks based on memory, imagination, and experiences.
VA.K.S.1.1Explore art processes and
media to produce artworks.
VA.K.S.1.2Produce artwork influenced by
personal decisions and ideas.
VA.K.S.2.2Describe the steps used in
art production.
VA.K.S.3.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.
VA.K.S.3.2Practice skills to develop
VA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media
safely in the art room.
VA.K.S.3.4Identify artwork that belongs
to others and represents their ideas.
VA.1.H.1.1Discuss how
different works of art communicate information about a particular culture.
VA.1.H.2.1Compare artworks
from different cultures, created over time, to identify differences in style
and media.
VA.1.S.1.1Experiment with art
processes and media to express ideas.
VA.1.C.2.1Describe visual
imagery used to complete artwork.
VA.1.C.3.2Distinguish between
artwork, utilitarian objects, and objects from nature.
VA.1.F.1.2Identify how
classmates solve artistic problems.
VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions
for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show early
development of 21st-century skills.
VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use
the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to
support artistic development.
VA.1.O.2.1Create imagery and
symbols to express thoughts and feelings.
VA.1.O.3.1Use personal
symbols in artwork to document surroundings and community.
VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct
use of tools with various art media, techniques, and processes.
VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and
techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional media.
VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the
qualities of good craftsmanship.
VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety
procedures for using art tools and materials.
23) The
Stone Cutter
Objective: Students will create an
origami Samurai Helmet
Materials: paper, crayons, prints
Procedure: After reading about the life
and works of Pablo Picasso (and a little Henri Matisse), students will draw a
picture in the style (cubism) of Pablo Picasso.
Assessment: A=follows ALL
instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good
craftsmanship D=does little work/
poor effort F=does NO work
Standards: VA.K.C.2.2Identify media used by self
or peers.
VA.K.F.1.1Experiment with art media for
personal satisfaction and perceptual awareness.
VA.K.F.1.2Identify real and imaginary
subject matter in works of art.
VA.K.H.1.2Follow directions for
suitable behavior in an art audience.
VA.K.H.2.1Compare selected artworks
from various cultures to find differences and similarities.
VA.K.O.1.1Explore the placement of the
structural elements of art in personal works of art.
VA.K.O.2.1Generate ideas and images for
artworks based on memory, imagination, and experiences.
VA.K.S.1.1Explore art processes and
media to produce artworks.
VA.K.S.1.2Produce artwork influenced by
personal decisions and ideas.
VA.K.S.2.2Describe the steps used in
art production.
VA.K.S.3.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.
VA.K.S.3.2Practice skills to develop
VA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media
safely in the art room.
VA.K.S.3.4Identify artwork that belongs
to others and represents their ideas.
VA.1.H.1.1Discuss how
different works of art communicate information about a particular culture.
VA.1.H.2.1Compare artworks
from different cultures, created over time, to identify differences in style
and media.
VA.1.S.1.1Experiment with art
processes and media to express ideas.
VA.1.C.2.1Describe visual
imagery used to complete artwork.
VA.1.C.3.2Distinguish between
artwork, utilitarian objects, and objects from nature.
VA.1.F.1.2Identify how
classmates solve artistic problems.
VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions
for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show early
development of 21st-century skills.
VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use
the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to
support artistic development.
VA.1.O.2.1Create imagery and
symbols to express thoughts and feelings.
VA.1.O.3.1Use personal
symbols in artwork to document surroundings and community.
VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct
use of tools with various art media, techniques, and processes.
VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and
techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional media.
VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the
qualities of good craftsmanship.
VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety
procedures for using art tools and materials.
24) The
Objective: Students will decorate their own
Materials: paper, tracers, oil pastels,
Book: “Raven”
Procedure: After reading “Raven” I will show
students how to decorate their Raven with a variety of shapes and colors like
the Native Americans of the Pacific North West. If time permits, students can
add a background drawing with crayons.
Assessment: A=follows ALL
instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good
craftsmanship D=does little work/
poor effort F=does NO work
Standards: VA.K.C.2.2Identify media used by self
or peers.
VA.K.F.1.1Experiment with art media for
personal satisfaction and perceptual awareness.
VA.K.F.1.2Identify real and imaginary
subject matter in works of art.
VA.K.H.1.2Follow directions for
suitable behavior in an art audience.
VA.K.H.2.1Compare selected artworks
from various cultures to find differences and similarities.
VA.K.O.1.1Explore the placement of the
structural elements of art in personal works of art.
VA.K.O.2.1Generate ideas and images for
artworks based on memory, imagination, and experiences.
VA.K.S.1.1Explore art processes and
media to produce artworks.
VA.K.S.1.2Produce artwork influenced by
personal decisions and ideas.
VA.K.S.2.2Describe the steps used in
art production.
VA.K.S.3.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.
VA.K.S.3.2Practice skills to develop
VA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media
safely in the art room.
VA.K.S.3.4Identify artwork that belongs
to others and represents their ideas.
VA.1.H.1.1Discuss how
different works of art communicate information about a particular culture.
VA.1.H.2.1Compare artworks
from different cultures, created over time, to identify differences in style
and media.
VA.1.S.1.1Experiment with art
processes and media to express ideas.
VA.1.C.2.1Describe visual
imagery used to complete artwork.
VA.1.C.3.2Distinguish between
artwork, utilitarian objects, and objects from nature.
VA.1.F.1.2Identify how
classmates solve artistic problems.
VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions
for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show early
development of 21st-century skills.
VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use
the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to
support artistic development.
VA.1.O.2.1Create imagery and
symbols to express thoughts and feelings.
VA.1.O.3.1Use personal
symbols in artwork to document surroundings and community.
VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct
use of tools with various art media, techniques, and processes.
VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and
techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional media.
VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the
qualities of good craftsmanship.
VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety
procedures for using art tools and materials.
25) Jubuti
the Tortoise
Objective: Students will make a paper Jubuti
the Tortoise
Materials: construction paper, scissors,
glue, crayons, Book:”Jubuti the Tortoise”
Procedure: After watching me read “Jubuti
the Tortoise” I will show students how to make a colorful tortoise with
construction paper. First they will trace a tortoise body and head. Students
will glue paper tiles to reconstruct the wounded tortoise’s shell.
Assessment: A=follows ALL
instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good
craftsmanship D=does little work/
poor effort F=does NO work
Standards: VA.K.C.2.2Identify media used by self
or peers.
VA.K.F.1.1Experiment with art media for
personal satisfaction and perceptual awareness.
VA.K.F.1.2Identify real and imaginary
subject matter in works of art.
VA.K.H.1.2Follow directions for
suitable behavior in an art audience.
VA.K.H.2.1Compare selected artworks
from various cultures to find differences and similarities.
VA.K.O.1.1Explore the placement of the
structural elements of art in personal works of art.
VA.K.O.2.1Generate ideas and images for
artworks based on memory, imagination, and experiences.
VA.K.S.1.1Explore art processes and
media to produce artworks.
VA.K.S.1.2Produce artwork influenced by
personal decisions and ideas.
VA.K.S.2.2Describe the steps used in
art production.
VA.K.S.3.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.
VA.K.S.3.2Practice skills to develop
VA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media
safely in the art room.
VA.K.S.3.4Identify artwork that belongs
to others and represents their ideas.
VA.1.H.1.1Discuss how
different works of art communicate information about a particular culture.
VA.1.H.2.1Compare artworks
from different cultures, created over time, to identify differences in style
and media.
VA.1.S.1.1Experiment with art
processes and media to express ideas.
VA.1.C.2.1Describe visual
imagery used to complete artwork.
VA.1.C.3.2Distinguish between
artwork, utilitarian objects, and objects from nature.
VA.1.F.1.2Identify how
classmates solve artistic problems.
VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions
for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show early
development of 21st-century skills.
VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use
the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to
support artistic development.
VA.1.O.2.1Create imagery and
symbols to express thoughts and feelings.
VA.1.O.3.1Use personal
symbols in artwork to document surroundings and community.
VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct
use of tools with various art media, techniques, and processes.
VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and
techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional media.
VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the
qualities of good craftsmanship.
VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety
procedures for using art tools and materials.
26) Monkey
Objective: Students will make a paper Monkey
Materials: construction paper, scissors,
glue, crayons, Book:”Monkey”
Procedure: After watching me read “Monkey”
I will show students how to make a colorful monkey with construction paper.
First they will trace a monkey body and head. On the paper, they will add
colorful embellishments.
Assessment: A=follows ALL
instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good
craftsmanship D=does little work/
poor effort F=does NO work
Standards: VA.K.C.2.2Identify media used by self
or peers.
VA.K.F.1.1Experiment with art media for
personal satisfaction and perceptual awareness.
VA.K.F.1.2Identify real and imaginary
subject matter in works of art.
VA.K.H.1.2Follow directions for
suitable behavior in an art audience.
VA.K.H.2.1Compare selected artworks
from various cultures to find differences and similarities.
VA.K.O.1.1Explore the placement of the
structural elements of art in personal works of art.
VA.K.O.2.1Generate ideas and images for
artworks based on memory, imagination, and experiences.
VA.K.S.1.1Explore art processes and
media to produce artworks.
VA.K.S.1.2Produce artwork influenced by
personal decisions and ideas.
VA.K.S.2.2Describe the steps used in
art production.
VA.K.S.3.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.
VA.K.S.3.2Practice skills to develop
VA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media
safely in the art room.
VA.K.S.3.4Identify artwork that belongs
to others and represents their ideas.
VA.1.H.1.1Discuss how
different works of art communicate information about a particular culture.
VA.1.H.2.1Compare artworks
from different cultures, created over time, to identify differences in style
and media.
VA.1.S.1.1Experiment with art
processes and media to express ideas.
VA.1.C.2.1Describe visual
imagery used to complete artwork.
VA.1.C.3.2Distinguish between
artwork, utilitarian objects, and objects from nature.
VA.1.F.1.2Identify how
classmates solve artistic problems.
VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions
for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show early
development of 21st-century skills.
VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use
the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to
support artistic development.
VA.1.O.2.1Create imagery and
symbols to express thoughts and feelings.
VA.1.O.3.1Use personal
symbols in artwork to document surroundings and community.
VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct
use of tools with various art media, techniques, and processes.
VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and
techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional media.
VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the
qualities of good craftsmanship.
VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety
procedures for using art tools and materials.
27) Zomo the
Objective: Students will incorporate various
paper hearts to create new drawings
Materials: Construction paper, scissors,
glue, Book: “Zomo”
Procedure: After reading “Zomo,” students
will learn how to make a trickster rabbit from construction paper.
Assessment: A=follows ALL
instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good
craftsmanship D=does little work/
poor effort F=does NO work
Standards: VA.K.C.2.2Identify media used by self
or peers.
VA.K.F.1.1Experiment with art media for
personal satisfaction and perceptual awareness.
VA.K.F.1.2Identify real and imaginary
subject matter in works of art.
VA.K.H.1.2Follow directions for
suitable behavior in an art audience.
VA.K.H.2.1Compare selected artworks
from various cultures to find differences and similarities.
VA.K.O.1.1Explore the placement of the
structural elements of art in personal works of art.
VA.K.O.2.1Generate ideas and images for
artworks based on memory, imagination, and experiences.
VA.K.S.1.1Explore art processes and
media to produce artworks.
VA.K.S.1.2Produce artwork influenced by
personal decisions and ideas.
VA.K.S.2.2Describe the steps used in
art production.
VA.K.S.3.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.
VA.K.S.3.2Practice skills to develop
VA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media
safely in the art room.
VA.K.S.3.4Identify artwork that belongs
to others and represents their ideas.
VA.1.H.1.1Discuss how
different works of art communicate information about a particular culture.
VA.1.H.2.1Compare artworks
from different cultures, created over time, to identify differences in style
and media.
VA.1.S.1.1Experiment with art
processes and media to express ideas.
VA.1.C.2.1Describe visual
imagery used to complete artwork.
VA.1.C.3.2Distinguish between
artwork, utilitarian objects, and objects from nature.
VA.1.F.1.2Identify how
classmates solve artistic problems.
VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions
for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show early
development of 21st-century skills.
VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use
the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to
support artistic development.
VA.1.O.2.1Create imagery and
symbols to express thoughts and feelings.
VA.1.O.3.1Use personal
symbols in artwork to document surroundings and community.
VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct
use of tools with various art media, techniques, and processes.
VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and
techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional media.
VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the
qualities of good craftsmanship.
VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety
procedures for using art tools and materials.
28) Papgayo
Objective: Students will make paper Papagayos
Materials: construction paper, scissors,
glue, crayons, Book:”Papagayo”
Procedure: After watching me read “Papagayo”
I will shoe students how to make a colorful parrot. First they will trace a parrot
body and head. On the paper, they will draw colorful wings/patterns.
Assessment: A=follows ALL
instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good
craftsmanship D=does little work/
poor effort F=does NO work
Standards: VA.K.C.2.2Identify media used by self
or peers.
VA.K.F.1.1Experiment with art media for
personal satisfaction and perceptual awareness.
VA.K.F.1.2Identify real and imaginary
subject matter in works of art.
VA.K.H.1.2Follow directions for
suitable behavior in an art audience.
VA.K.H.2.1Compare selected artworks
from various cultures to find differences and similarities.
VA.K.O.1.1Explore the placement of the
structural elements of art in personal works of art.
VA.K.O.2.1Generate ideas and images for
artworks based on memory, imagination, and experiences.
VA.K.S.1.1Explore art processes and
media to produce artworks.
VA.K.S.1.2Produce artwork influenced by
personal decisions and ideas.
VA.K.S.2.2Describe the steps used in
art production.
VA.K.S.3.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.
VA.K.S.3.2Practice skills to develop
VA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media
safely in the art room.
VA.K.S.3.4Identify artwork that belongs
to others and represents their ideas.
VA.1.H.1.1Discuss how
different works of art communicate information about a particular culture.
VA.1.H.2.1Compare artworks
from different cultures, created over time, to identify differences in style
and media.
VA.1.S.1.1Experiment with art
processes and media to express ideas.
VA.1.C.2.1Describe visual
imagery used to complete artwork.
VA.1.C.3.2Distinguish between
artwork, utilitarian objects, and objects from nature.
VA.1.F.1.2Identify how
classmates solve artistic problems.
VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions
for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show early
development of 21st-century skills.
VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use
the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to
support artistic development.
VA.1.O.2.1Create imagery and
symbols to express thoughts and feelings.
VA.1.O.3.1Use personal
symbols in artwork to document surroundings and community.
VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct
use of tools with various art media, techniques, and processes.
VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and
techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional media.
VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the
qualities of good craftsmanship.
VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety
procedures for using art tools and materials.
29) Coyote
Objective: Students will print a South
Western Native American pattern like the ones found in the story book.
Materials: Prints/stamps/rollers, paper,
paint, Book: “Coyote”
Procedure: After reading “Coyote,” students
will go back to their seat to print their pattern using three different colors
and three different patterns.
Assessment: A=follows ALL
instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good
craftsmanship D=does little work/
poor effort F=does NO work
Standards: VA.K.C.2.2Identify media used by self
or peers.
VA.K.F.1.1Experiment with art media for
personal satisfaction and perceptual awareness.
VA.K.F.1.2Identify real and imaginary
subject matter in works of art.
VA.K.H.1.2Follow directions for
suitable behavior in an art audience.
VA.K.H.2.1Compare selected artworks
from various cultures to find differences and similarities.
VA.K.O.1.1Explore the placement of the
structural elements of art in personal works of art.
VA.K.O.2.1Generate ideas and images for
artworks based on memory, imagination, and experiences.
VA.K.S.1.1Explore art processes and
media to produce artworks.
VA.K.S.1.2Produce artwork influenced by
personal decisions and ideas.
VA.K.S.2.2Describe the steps used in
art production.
VA.K.S.3.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.
VA.K.S.3.2Practice skills to develop
VA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media
safely in the art room.
VA.K.S.3.4Identify artwork that belongs
to others and represents their ideas.
VA.1.H.1.1Discuss how
different works of art communicate information about a particular culture.
VA.1.H.2.1Compare artworks
from different cultures, created over time, to identify differences in style
and media.
VA.1.S.1.1Experiment with art
processes and media to express ideas.
VA.1.C.2.1Describe visual
imagery used to complete artwork.
VA.1.C.3.2Distinguish between
artwork, utilitarian objects, and objects from nature.
VA.1.F.1.2Identify how
classmates solve artistic problems.
VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions
for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show early
development of 21st-century skills.
VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use
the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to
support artistic development.
VA.1.O.2.1Create imagery and
symbols to express thoughts and feelings.
VA.1.O.3.1Use personal
symbols in artwork to document surroundings and community.
VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct
use of tools with various art media, techniques, and processes.
VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and
techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional media.
VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the
qualities of good craftsmanship.
VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety
procedures for using art tools and materials.
30) Arrow to
the Sun
Objective: Students will make a paper Indian
Materials: Paper, scissors, glue, crayons.
Book: “Arrow to the Sun”
Procedure: After reading “Arrow to the Sun”
I will show students how to make their paper Native American figures. First
they will a body and head out of Black Paper. Then they will fold black
rectangles (from paper) and glue the limbs in a variety of poses. If time
permits, students can add a background drawing with crayons.
Assessment: A=follows ALL
instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good
craftsmanship D=does little work/
poor effort F=does NO work
VA.K.F.1.1Experiment with art media for
personal satisfaction and perceptual awareness.
VA.K.F.1.2Identify real and imaginary
subject matter in works of art.
VA.K.H.1.2Follow directions for
suitable behavior in an art audience.
VA.K.H.2.1Compare selected artworks
from various cultures to find differences and similarities.
VA.K.O.1.1Explore the placement of the
structural elements of art in personal works of art.
VA.K.O.2.1Generate ideas and images for
artworks based on memory, imagination, and experiences.
VA.K.S.1.1Explore art processes and
media to produce artworks.
VA.K.S.1.2Produce artwork influenced by
personal decisions and ideas.
VA.K.S.2.2Describe the steps used in
art production.
VA.K.S.3.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.
VA.K.S.3.2Practice skills to develop
VA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media
safely in the art room.
VA.K.S.3.4Identify artwork that belongs
to others and represents their ideas.
VA.1.H.1.1Discuss how
different works of art communicate information about a particular culture.
VA.1.H.2.1Compare artworks
from different cultures, created over time, to identify differences in style
and media.
VA.1.S.1.1Experiment with art
processes and media to express ideas.
VA.1.C.2.1Describe visual
imagery used to complete artwork.
VA.1.C.3.2Distinguish between
artwork, utilitarian objects, and objects from nature.
VA.1.F.1.2Identify how
classmates solve artistic problems.
VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions
for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show early
development of 21st-century skills.
VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use
the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to
support artistic development.
VA.1.O.2.1Create imagery and
symbols to express thoughts and feelings.
VA.1.O.3.1Use personal
symbols in artwork to document surroundings and community.
VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct
use of tools with various art media, techniques, and processes.
VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and
techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional media.
VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the
qualities of good craftsmanship.
VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety
procedures for using art tools and materials.
31) Anansi
the Spider
Objective: Students will make stand-up
Anansi the Spider.
Materials: paper, scissors, glue, crayons
Procedure: After reading “Anasi the Spider”
students will follow step-by-step directions on how to build their stand-up spider.
Assessment: A=follows ALL
instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good
craftsmanship D=does little work/
poor effort F=does NO work
VA.K.F.1.1Experiment with art media for
personal satisfaction and perceptual awareness.
VA.K.F.1.2Identify real and imaginary
subject matter in works of art.
VA.K.H.1.2Follow directions for
suitable behavior in an art audience.
VA.K.H.2.1Compare selected artworks
from various cultures to find differences and similarities.
VA.K.O.1.1Explore the placement of the
structural elements of art in personal works of art.
VA.K.O.2.1Generate ideas and images for
artworks based on memory, imagination, and experiences.
VA.K.S.1.1Explore art processes and
media to produce artworks.
VA.K.S.1.2Produce artwork influenced by
personal decisions and ideas.
VA.K.S.2.2Describe the steps used in
art production.
VA.K.S.3.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.
VA.K.S.3.2Practice skills to develop
VA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media
safely in the art room.
VA.K.S.3.4Identify artwork that belongs
to others and represents their ideas.
VA.1.H.1.1Discuss how
different works of art communicate information about a particular culture.
VA.1.H.2.1Compare artworks
from different cultures, created over time, to identify differences in style
and media.
VA.1.S.1.1Experiment with art
processes and media to express ideas.
VA.1.C.2.1Describe visual
imagery used to complete artwork.
VA.1.C.3.2Distinguish between
artwork, utilitarian objects, and objects from nature.
VA.1.F.1.2Identify how
classmates solve artistic problems.
VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions
for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show early
development of 21st-century skills.
VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use
the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to
support artistic development.
VA.1.O.2.1Create imagery and
symbols to express thoughts and feelings.
VA.1.O.3.1Use personal
symbols in artwork to document surroundings and community.
VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct
use of tools with various art media, techniques, and processes.
VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and
techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional media.
VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the
qualities of good craftsmanship.
VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety
procedures for using art tools and materials.
32) Pig Boy
Objective: Students will make a paper Pig
Materials: construction paper, scissors,
glue, crayons, Book:” Pig Boy”
Procedure: After watching me read “Pig Boy”
I will show students how to make a colorful tortoise with construction paper.
First they will trace a tortoise body and head. Students will glue paper tiles
to reconstruct the wounded tortoise’s shell.
Assessment: A=follows ALL
instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good
craftsmanship D=does little work/
poor effort F=does NO work
Standards: VA.K.C.2.2Identify media used by self
or peers.
VA.K.F.1.1Experiment with art media for
personal satisfaction and perceptual awareness.
VA.K.F.1.2Identify real and imaginary
subject matter in works of art.
VA.K.H.1.2Follow directions for
suitable behavior in an art audience.
VA.K.H.2.1Compare selected artworks
from various cultures to find differences and similarities.
VA.K.O.1.1Explore the placement of the
structural elements of art in personal works of art.
VA.K.O.2.1Generate ideas and images for
artworks based on memory, imagination, and experiences.
VA.K.S.1.1Explore art processes and
media to produce artworks.
VA.K.S.1.2Produce artwork influenced by
personal decisions and ideas.
VA.K.S.2.2Describe the steps used in
art production.
VA.K.S.3.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.
VA.K.S.3.2Practice skills to develop
VA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media
safely in the art room.
VA.K.S.3.4Identify artwork that belongs
to others and represents their ideas.
VA.1.H.1.1Discuss how
different works of art communicate information about a particular culture.
VA.1.H.2.1Compare artworks
from different cultures, created over time, to identify differences in style
and media.
VA.1.S.1.1Experiment with art
processes and media to express ideas.
VA.1.C.2.1Describe visual
imagery used to complete artwork.
VA.1.C.3.2Distinguish between
artwork, utilitarian objects, and objects from nature.
VA.1.F.1.2Identify how
classmates solve artistic problems.
VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions
for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show early
development of 21st-century skills.
VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use
the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to
support artistic development.
VA.1.O.2.1Create imagery and
symbols to express thoughts and feelings.
VA.1.O.3.1Use personal
symbols in artwork to document surroundings and community.
VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct
use of tools with various art media, techniques, and processes.
VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and
techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional media.
VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the
qualities of good craftsmanship.
VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety
procedures for using art tools and materials.
33) The
Magic Tree
Objective: Students will make a paper Magic
Materials: construction paper, scissors,
glue, crayons, Book:” Magic Tree”
Procedure: After watching me read “Magic
Tree” I will show students how to make a colorful tortoise with construction
paper. First they will trace a tortoise body and head. Students will glue paper
tiles to reconstruct the wounded tortoise’s shell.
Assessment: A=follows ALL
instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good
craftsmanship D=does little work/
poor effort F=does NO work
Standards: VA.K.C.2.2Identify media used by self
or peers.
VA.K.F.1.1Experiment with art media for
personal satisfaction and perceptual awareness.
VA.K.F.1.2Identify real and imaginary
subject matter in works of art.
VA.K.H.1.2Follow directions for
suitable behavior in an art audience.
VA.K.H.2.1Compare selected artworks
from various cultures to find differences and similarities.
VA.K.O.1.1Explore the placement of the
structural elements of art in personal works of art.
VA.K.O.2.1Generate ideas and images for
artworks based on memory, imagination, and experiences.
VA.K.S.1.1Explore art processes and
media to produce artworks.
VA.K.S.1.2Produce artwork influenced by
personal decisions and ideas.
VA.K.S.2.2Describe the steps used in
art production.
VA.K.S.3.1Develop artistic skills
through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.
VA.K.S.3.2Practice skills to develop
VA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media
safely in the art room.
VA.K.S.3.4Identify artwork that belongs
to others and represents their ideas.
VA.1.H.1.1Discuss how
different works of art communicate information about a particular culture.
VA.1.H.2.1Compare artworks
from different cultures, created over time, to identify differences in style
and media.
VA.1.S.1.1Experiment with art
processes and media to express ideas.
VA.1.C.2.1Describe visual
imagery used to complete artwork.
VA.1.C.3.2Distinguish between
artwork, utilitarian objects, and objects from nature.
VA.1.F.1.2Identify how
classmates solve artistic problems.
VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions
for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show early
development of 21st-century skills.
VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use
the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to
support artistic development.
VA.1.O.2.1Create imagery and
symbols to express thoughts and feelings.
VA.1.O.3.1Use personal
symbols in artwork to document surroundings and community.
VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct
use of tools with various art media, techniques, and processes.
VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and
techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional media.
VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the
qualities of good craftsmanship.
VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety
procedures for using art tools and materials.
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