Bringing the Rain to
Kapiti Plain (part 1)
Objective: Students
will learn about and create landscapes based on the different environments ion
Materials: construction
paper, scissors, glue, colored pencils
Procedure: After
reading “Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain” and briefly discussing the habitats
and environments of Africa students will create landscapes using various media.
During the Kapiti Plain unit, students will first draw their African savannah
with animals below the horizon line. Trees and sun/clouds will be above the
horizon line. On the second week, students will paint all the grass below the
horizon line and the sky above the horizon line. During the Sahara Unit,
students will draw palm trees crossing the horizon line, sand below, and
pyramids and sun/clouds above. On the second week, students will paint all the
sand below the horizon line and the sky above the horizon line. During week
three of the assignment, students will print three camels using camel stamps.
Continuing a print project, students will cover a single sheet of construction
paper with leaf stamps to simulate a jungle. Students will finish their jungle
landscapes by drawing a jungle animal that they will cut and paste on their
jungle picture.
Assessment: A=follows
ALL instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanshipB=follows MOST
instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions
with good craftsmanship D=does little work/ poor effort F=does
NO work
artistic skills through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media. e.g.,
media-specific techniques, eye-hand coordination.
art tools and media safely in the art room.
directions for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show
early development of 21st-century skills.
artworks from different cultures, created over time, to identify differences in
style and media.
and use the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design
to support artistic development.
varied processes to develop artistic skills when expressing personal thoughts,
feelings, and experiences.
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