Flag (1)
Objective: Students will create their
our Flag that illustrates significant things about their own lives.
Materials: paper, cardboard/string,
pencils, scissors, construction paper, markers/colored pencils/crayons
Procedure: During the course of the
next three visits, students will create their our Flag that illustrates
significant things about their own lives. Having spent the previous week
deconstructing and reconstructing the Florida Flag, students will brain storm
about the things that are important to them. On day one, students will need to
draw their own “state seal” depicting them enjoying their favorite hobby. They
will draw this in concentric circles created from a quickly fashioned compass.
Assessment: A=follows ALL
instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good
craftsmanship D=does little work/
poor effort F=does NO work
VA.4.C.1.1Integrate ideas during the
art-making process to convey meaning in personal works of art.
VA.4.C.1.2Describe observations and
apply prior knowledge to interpret visual information and reflect on works of
VA.4.C.2.2Use various resources to
generate ideas for growth in personal works.
VA.4.C.2.3Develop and support ideas
from various resources to create unique artworks.
VA.4.C.3.2Compare purposes for the
structural elements of art and organizational principles of design in artworks
and utilitarian objects.
VA.4.F.1.2Examine and apply creative
solutions to solve an artistic problem.
VA.4.F.3.3Work purposefully to complete
personal works of art in a timely manner, demonstrating development of 21st-century
VA.4.H.1.1Identify historical and
cultural influences that have inspired artists to produce works of art.
VA.4.O.1.1Use the structural elements
of art and organizational principles of design to understand the art-making
VA.4.O.1.2Identify the structural
elements of art used to unite an artistic composition.
VA.4.O.2.1Use a variety of resources
and art skills to overcome visual challenges in personal artworks.
VA.4.O.3.1Apply meaning and relevance
to document self or others visually in artwork.
VA.4.S.1.3Create artworks that
integrate ideas from culture or history.
VA.4.S.2.1Organize the structural
elements of art to achieve an artistic objective.
VA.4.S.2.2Demonstrate the ability to recall art
procedures and focus on art processes through to the end of production.
VA.4.S.3.1Experiment with various
materials, tools, techniques, and processes to achieve a variety of results in
two- and/or three-dimensional artworks.
VA.4.S.3.2Plan and produce art through
ongoing practice of skills and techniques.
VA.4.S.3.3Follow procedures for using
tools, media, techniques, and processes safely and responsibly.
VA.5.C.1.1Develop a range of interests in
the art-making process to influence personal decision-making.
VA.5.C.1.2Use prior knowledge and
observation skills to reflect on, analyze, and interpret exemplary works of
VA.5.C.1.3Examine and
discuss exemplary works of art to distinguish which qualities may be used to
evaluate personal works.
VA.5.C.2.1Revise artwork
as a necessary part of the creative process to achieve an artistic goal.
personal artworks to articulate the motivations and intentions in creating
personal works of art.
established criteria to the art-making process to measure artistic growth.
VA.5.C.2.4Identify examples of constructive
criticism and use them to improve artworks and enhance artistic growth.
VA.5.C.3.1Use the
structural elements of art and organizational principles of design when engaged
in art criticism.
art-criticism processes to form a hypothesis about an artist’s or designer’s
intent when creating artworks and/or utilitarian objects.
VA.5.O.1.1Use structural
elements of art and organizational principles of design to develop content in
VA.5.O.1.2Organize the
structural elements of art to achieve visual unity.
VA.5.O.2.1Analyze works
of art that document people and events from a variety of places and times to
synthesize ideas for creating artwork.
meaningful and unique works of art to effectively communicate and document a
personal voice.
VA.5.S.1.3Create artworks
to depict personal, cultural, and/or historical themes.
VA.5.S.2.1Organize the
structural elements of art to support planning, strengthen focus, and implement
artistic vision.
VA.5.S.2.3Visualize the
end product to justify artistic choices of tools, techniques, and processes.
craftsmanship and technical ability in personal works to show refinement of
skills over time.
VA.5.S.3.3Use tools,
media, techniques, and processes in a safe and responsible manner.
VA.5.S.3.4Use ethical
standards, including copyright laws, when producing works of art.
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