Tuesday, August 14, 2018

First Assignment K&1st

Introduction/Paul Klee
Objective: Students will trace basic shapes and color them using a specific color family (warm/cool).
Materials: shape tracers, crayons, paper
Procedure: the students will trace 3 circles, 3 squares, 3 triangles, and 3 rectangles and color them in.
Assessment: The traced shapes should look like shapes. The colors should be contained within the borders of the shapes.
Standards: VA.K.C.2.2Identify media used by self or peers.
VA.K.F.1.1Experiment with art media for personal satisfaction and perceptual awareness.
VA.K.H.1.2Follow directions for suitable behavior in an art audience.
VA.K.H.2.3Describe where artwork is displayed in school or other places.
VA.K.O.1.1Explore the placement of the structural elements of art in personal works of art.
VA.K.O.2.1Generate ideas and images for artworks based on memory, imagination, and experiences.
VA.K.S.1.1Explore art processes and media to produce artworks.
VA.K.S.2.2Describe the steps used in art production.
VA.K.S.3.1Develop artistic skills through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.
VA.K.S.3.2Practice skills to develop craftsmanship
VA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media safely in the art room.
VA.1.C.1.2Gather clues to help interpret and reflect on works of art.
VA.1.C.2.1Describe visual imagery used to complete artwork.
VA.1.C.2.2Use various media or techniques to learn how changes affect the completed artwork.
VA.1.F.1.1Use various art media and real or imaginary choices to create artwork.
VA.1.F.1.2Identify how classmates solve artistic problems.
VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions for completing classroom tasks in a specified timeframe to show early development of 21st-century skills.
VA.1.H.2.3Identify places in which artworks may be viewed by others.
VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to support artistic development.
VA.1.S.1.1Experiment with art processes and media to express ideas.
VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct use of tools with various art media, techniques, and processes.
VA.1.S.2.2Describe the steps used in art production.
VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional media.
VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the qualities of good craftsmanship.

VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety procedures for using art tools and materials.

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