Roman Mosaic (part 2)
Sticking with our timeline, we are now studying art “AD.” Following Greece we are now in Rome. When in Rome, make mosaics as the Romans did.
Objective: students will continue gluing their mosaics.
Materials: paper/scissors/glue
Procedure: Students will “tile” their tiny pieces of construction paper on their original drawing.
Assessment: determined by how far the majority of the class gets
VA.4.C.1.2Describe observations and apply prior knowledge to interpret visual information and reflect on works of art.
VA.4.C.2.3Develop and support ideas from various resources to create unique artworks.
VA.4.C.3.2Compare purposes for the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design in artworks and utilitarian objects.
VA.4.F.1.1Combine art media with innovative ideas and techniques to create two- and/or three-dimensional works of art.
VA.4.F.3.3Work purposefully to complete personal works of art in a timely manner, demonstrating development of 21st-century skills.
VA.4.H.1.1Identify historical and cultural influences that have inspired artists to produce works of art.
VA.4.H.1.3Describe artworks that honor and are reflective of particular individuals, groups, events, and/or cultures.
VA.4.H.2.1Explore works of art, created over time, to identify the use of the structural elements of art in an historical event or art style.
VA.4.O.1.1Use the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to understand the art-making process.
VA.4.S.2.2Demonstrate the ability to recall art procedures and focus on art processes through to the end of production.
VA.4.S.3.1Experiment with various materials, tools, techniques, and processes to achieve a variety of results in two- and/or three-dimensional artworks.
VA.4.S.3.3Follow procedures for using tools, media, techniques, and processes safely and responsibly.
VA.5.H.1.4Explain the importance of artwork to show why respect is or should be given to the work of peer or specified professional artists.
VA.5.S.2.3Visualize the end product to justify artistic choices of tools, techniques, and processes.
VA.5.C.1.1Develop a range of interests in the art-making process to influence personal decision-making.
VA.5.C.1.2Use prior knowledge and observation skills to reflect on, analyze, and interpret exemplary works of art.
VA.5.C.1.3Examine and discuss exemplary works of art to distinguish which qualities may be used to evaluate personal works.
VA.5.C.2.2Analyze personal artworks to articulate the motivations and intentions in creating personal works of art.
VA.5.C.3.2Use art-criticism processes to form a hypothesis about an artist’s or designer’s intent when creating artworks and/or utilitarian objects.
VA.5.C.3.3Critique works of art to understand the content and make connections with other content areas.
VA.5.F.3.4Follow directions and complete artwork in the timeframe allotted to show development of 21st-century skills.
VA.5.H.1.3Identify and describe the importance a selected group or culture places on specific works of art.
VA.5.H.2.1Compare works of art on the basis of style, culture, or artist across time to identify visual differences.
VA.5.O.1.1Use structural elements of art and organizational principles of design to develop content in artwork.
VA.5.O.2.1Analyze works of art that document people and events from a variety of places and times to synthesize ideas for creating artwork.
VA.5.S.1.1Use various art tools, media, and techniques to discover how different choices change the effect on the meaning of an artwork.
VA.5.S.1.4Use accurate art vocabulary to communicate about works of art and artistic and creative processes.
VA.5.S.2.1Organize the structural elements of art to support planning, strengthen focus, and implement artistic vision.
VA.5.S.3.1Use materials, tools, techniques, and processes to achieve expected results in two- and/or three-dimensional artworks.
VA.5.S.3.2Use craftsmanship and technical ability in personal works to show refinement of skills over time.
VA.5.S.3.3Use tools, media, techniques, and processes in a safe and responsible manner.
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