Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Third Assignment for 2nd & 3rd Grade

Monet Reflections
Objective: Students will draw their last landscape inspired by Monet and the Impressionists.
Materials: pencils and paper, chalk pastels, Impressionist prints.
Procedure: First, students will find the Horizon line on the Impressionist landscapes. Next we will focus on the reflections found in the paintings. We will draw our own landscape at the BOTTOM of a piece of construction paper. We will color them in with chalk pastels. We glue our pictures to a bigger piece of paper, fold and rub; creating a “reflection” on our bigger piece of paper.
Vocabulary: line   color   shape   space   texture   value   form   perspective   linear perspective   vertical   horizontal   diagonal   vanishing point   horizon  
AssessmentA=follows ALL instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanshipB=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good craftsmanship D=does little work/ poor effort F=does NO work
VA.2.C.1.2Reflect on and discuss various possible meanings in works of art.
VA.2.C.2.1Use appropriate decision-making skills to meet intended artistic objectives.
VA.2.C.2.3Use suggestions from others to modify the structural elements of art.
VA.2.F.3.3Use time effectively while focused on art production to show early development of 21st-century skills.
VA.2.O.1.1Employ structural elements of art and organizational principles of design in personal work to develop awareness of the creative process.
VA.2.S.1.1Experiment with tools and techniques as part of art-making processes.
VA.2.S.1.2Use diverse resources to inspire expression of personal ideas and experiences in works of art.
VA.2.S.1.3Explore art from different time periods and cultures as sources for inspiration.
VA.2.S.2.1Develop artistic skills through repeated experiences with art media, techniques, processes, and tools.
VA.2.S.2.2Follow sequential procedures focused on art production.
VA.2.S.3.1Manipulate art materials and refine techniques to create two- and/or three-dimensional personal works.
VA.2.S.3.2Demonstrate growth in craftsmanship through purposeful practice.
VA.2.S.3.4Describe the differences between using one’s own ideas, using someone else’s ideas as one’s own, and drawing inspiration from the works of others.
VA.3.C.1.2Reflect on and interpret works of art, using observation skills, prior knowledge, and experience.
VA.3.C.2.1Assess personal artworks for completeness and success in meeting intended objectives.
VA.3.C.2.2Compare techniques used by peers and established artists as a basis for improving one’s own work.
VA.3.C.2.3Use constructive criticism to improve artwork.
VA.3.C.3.1Critique one’s own and others’ artworks, and identify the use of structural elements of art and organizational principles of design.
VA.3.F.3.3Demonstrate the skills needed to complete artwork in a timely manner, demonstrating perseverance and development of 21st-century skills.
VA.3.H.2.3Describe various venues in which artwork is on display for public viewing.
VA.3.O.1.1Demonstrate how the organizational principles of design are used to arrange the structural elements of art in personal work.
VA.3.S.1.2Use diverse resources to inspire artistic expression and achieve varied results.
VA.3.S.1.3Incorporate ideas from art exemplars for specified time periods and cultures.
VA.3.S.1.4Choose accurate art vocabulary to describe works of art and art processes.
VA.3.S.2.1Integrate the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design with sequential procedures and techniques to achieve and artistic goal.
VA.3.S.2.2Follow procedures, focusing on the art-making process.
VA.3.S.3.1Use materials, tools, and processes to achieve an intended result in two- and/or three-dimensional artworks.
VA.3.S.3.2Develop craftsmanship skills through repeated practice.

VA.3.S.3.3Work within safety guidelines while using tools, media, techniques, and processes.

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