Koala Bear
Objective: Students will create their
own Koala bear head from construction paper.
Materials: construction paper, glue,
scissors, pencils, tracers
Procedure: After talking about koala
bears, students will watch a demonstration on how I expect them to construct
their koala bears. As I pass out each material, we will assemble the project
together, step-by-step.
Assessment: A=follows ALL
instructions (or does more) with great craftsmanship B=follows MOST instructions with good craftsmanship C=follows SOME instructions with good
craftsmanship D=does little work/
poor effort F=does NO work
art processes and media to produce artworks.VA.K.S.2.1Develop
artistic skills through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media. e.g.,
media-specific techniques, eye-hand coordination. VA.K.S.2.2Describe
the steps used in art production.VA.K.S.3.1Develop
artistic skills through the repeated use of tools, processes, and media.VA.K.S.3.2Practice
skills to develop craftsmanshipVA.K.S.3.3Handle art tools and media
safely in the art room.VA.1.C.2.2Use various media or techniques to learn how changes affect the
completed artwork.VA.1.C.1.1Create and discuss works of art that convey personal interests.VA.1.F.1.2Identify how classmates solve artistic problems.VA.1.F.3.2Follow directions for completing classroom tasks in a specified
timeframe to show early development of 21st-century skills.VA.1.O.1.1Identify and use the structural elements of art and organizational
principles of design to support artistic development.VA.1.S.1.1Experiment with art processes and media to express ideas.VA.1.S.1.2Use varied processes to develop artistic skills when expressing
personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences.VA.1.S.2.1Practice correct use of tools with various art media, techniques,
and processes.VA.1.S.2.2Describe the steps used in art production.VA.1.S.3.1Practice skills and techniques to create with two- and/or three-dimensional
media.VA.1.S.3.2Discuss the qualities of good craftsmanship.VA.1.S.3.3Demonstrate safety procedures for using art tools and materials.
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